Monday, September 16, 2024

EnterTRAINment Junction

The world's largest train display is right in Cincinnati, Ohio!

Only at Entertrainment Junction

Designed as a large loop, you enter to find yourself in the early days of trains.  Steam engines puff along in magnificent scenery.  Along the way are buttons interspersed that activate various sections of the display.

The second stage of the loop takes you to the 50s and 60s era.  While the main theme is trains, there are, also, some pretty amazing car model displays as well.  

The third stage is the modern era with...

An official train station.

Here's a link to show what all is inside:  Park Map

This place is great for the train enthusiast,with informative antique displays


A HUGE marble collection

And more.

But it also has a kids room with a huge jungle gym, a smaller jungle gym, and lots of other train themed games/rides.

There's an outdoor train ride.

And, when you're done with all of the train exhibits.  There's a separate section called


This section has so many different mazes:

A clown maze, a mirror maze, a curtain maze, a space maze.

I wish I had taken some pictures while in the maze section, it was a lot of fun.

The sad news:

Entertrainment will be closing in early January2025, so check it out before it shuts its doors.

Though, we're all secretly hoping someone buys it.

There will be a Halloween theme from the end of September to the end of October.

The Christmas display is amazing and they will be doing breakfast with Santa this year.

Check out their calendar of events here!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Diabolical Baby Brigade

 The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post:

Diabolical pickle payback

As logged by Agent West

I so loved eating those nasty greens.

The ones that tasted worse than sardines.

It’s time for me to pay Mommy back

In a way that just might make her crack!

This has to be something truly diabolical

And, how about, a little bit comical.

A half eaten pickle I see.

And a window as dirty as can be.


How will Agent West get his revenge?

Find out in:

Diabolical pickle payback

Friday, September 13, 2024

When you just want one picture

 All I needed was one, single picture of the new goat kids

Such a camera hog

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Juicy taco meat


Tacos are my go to for the busy night where I don't have a lot of time to sweat over the stove...

Strike that, sweating while standing over top of the stove, where you're cooking your family's meal, sounds super gross.

The busy night where I don't have a lot of time or have completely forgotten to plan anything.

There, that sounds better.

This recipe for taco meat is wonderful because I can whip it together and focus on all of the other prep work while the meat rests in a gentle simmer.

Juicy Taco Meat

Prep time: 1-2 minutes    Cook time:  15-35 minutes


1 pound ground beef
2 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons corn starch
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
1/4 teaspoon coriander (optional)
1/2 - 1 cup broth or water - the amount depends on how long you want the beef to simmer


Mix all of the spices together.  Cook beef in a skillet over medium heat.  Once it is almost completely browned, add the spice mixture and stir to fully incorporate.  Add the broth/water:  1/2 cup if you're in a rush and only have a few minutes.  If you have time, though, I highly recommend the full 1 cup to let it simmer down into full, juicy tenderness.  Turn the heat down to allow the meat to gently simmer:  it'll be 3-5 minutes for the 1/2 cup and about 20 minutes for the full 1 cup.  Once the liquid appears to be well absorbed, turn the heat off.
Serve immediately or cover with a lid to let it restfully wait while you finish the rest of your taco prep work.

Side note:  I'm pretty proud of that picture up top.
Look at how neat the fillings are all arranged in that shell!
Here's what my tacos usually look like:

Yeah...  I have a problem with overfilling my taco shells.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Can you spot the chicken?

 Where, oh where, can she be?

Can you see her?  How about a closer look?

Meet Bully, so named because of how she likes to pick on any chicken who comes in her way of a delicious snack.  

Two years ago we bought a variety of chickens:  Australorps, Isa Browns, and Americanas.  I've never had a breed of chicken that likes to escape and make hidden nests like the Americanas do.  Bully isn't the only one and I've found at least eight different nests over the last two years.  All, but one, from the Americanas.

Now, can you guess how many eggs were in Bully's nest?


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Diabolical Baby Brigade

 The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post:

Night of the diabolical snores

As logged by Agent Rose


A rumble growls from down the hall

Making me shake and feel quite small

Where’s my stink bear to protect me?

More rumbling and grumbling. What can it be?

Quiet! Someone’s opening my door!

Why did I leave my stink bear on the floor?

Now, there’s a shadow lurking into the room.

Another rumble! As loud as a thunder’s boom!


Who's the scary monster?

Find out in:

Night of the diabolical snores

Friday, September 6, 2024

How to feel foolish 101

Step 1

Run around the house demanding to know who has seen your phone.


Step 2

Look down and see phone in your hand.  

Happy Friday!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Pawpaws - Let them fall

The delicious Pawpaw

 A yummy fruit native to eastern North America

The first time my husband saw a pawpaw lying on the ground in our woods, he cupped it in his hands like it was a magical diamond and brought it to me.  "What is this?"  He spoke oh, so quietly.

"It's a pawpaw."

He scrunched his face with some hard thinking and remembered hearing that it was a fruit.  Which meant he could eat it.  Which meant he dove right in, forgetting to let me have a taste, and fell madly in love.  For those who have tasted the banana pudding like flesh with a hint of vanilla and citrus, you know what I'm talking about.

Now, he's the crazy guy walking around in our woods with a large stick and poking the trees every middle of September to see how many pawpaws he can get to "naturally" fall because he's grown tired of waiting for them to reach peak ripeness and fall on their own.

To increase our yield, we purchased some pawpaw trees to plant in our yard.  This year they are finally old enough and are producing their first yield of yummy, delicious pawpaws.

While some of the pawpaw fruits do ripen and stay on the tree until some crazy guy comes along and pokes it with a stick, most fall upon reaching peak ripeness.  To ensure that their landing is cushy enough to soften the impact and, thus, keep the fruits from splitting open, adding a layer of mulch can always help.

Here's one of the pawpaw trees without the added mulch layer:

And here it is after putting down a simple layer of hay flakes:

A nice, soft landing for when my husband decides to shake the limbs to get the pawpaw fruits to "naturally" fall.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Diabolical Baby Brigade

 The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post:

A toot in the face

As logged by Agent Chase

Nothing could ever compare

To something so simple, but not rare.

A toot in the face will leave Mommy crying

Especially when Daddy laughs like he’s dying.

He’s laughing so hard

He’s let down his guard.

Now, here comes baby Chase,

Ready with a toot in his face!



How does this mission unfold?