Not the roses!
The Japanese Beetle:
A species of the scarab beetle,
Eater of over 300 types of plants including roses.
There are a million and one ways to try to deter or get rid of these pesky bugs, but this post is going to focus on a fun game I’ve devised to keep kids entertained and the chickens happy.
All you’ll need is – a small bucket or bowl/s of water and a tub of water for the chickens to be able to eat out of.
Then, go hunting.
When you find a beetle or a cluster of them, carefully hover the bowl just underneath of the beetles and give the plant a little shake or flick the beetle into the water. I usually use a hard plastic or metal bowl because it makes it more difficult for the beetles to try to climb out. Once you get a group of beetles in the water, though, they usually start grabbing hold of each other and forget about trying to climb out of the bowl.
Four down. A million to go.
Kids can make it a game to see who can catch the most in their bowl or bucket. Even when it’s just my daughter and me, the idea of ‘going on a wild, dangerous hunt’ gets her excited. The focus coming out of her when she’s hunting for beetles is adorable.
Once the hunt is over, or you’ve gotten all you can find or have time to find, simply pour the bowl or water and beetles into the tub. The chickens will go after them like they’re bobbing for apples.
Happy chickens. Happy roses.