This sugar scrub feels amazing, especially when dealing with the wintry scales of dry skin craziness.  Even my husband loves to use it!  Depending on the type of sugar you use (superfine/caster, regular granulated, turbinado, etc.), this can be a gentle delicacy to refresh the skin or a good scrubbing to get off thick patches of dry, cracking skin.  The simple ingredients whip together in less than a minute, making it perfect for a spur of the moment spa treatment or if you’ve realized that your friend’s birthday party is today and you totally forgot to get a present.


Honey Sugar Scrub

Makes: 1 cup


1 cup sugar

1/4 cup olive oil

2 Tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional) – this is just to give it a nice, vanilla scent



Put ingredients into bowl.  Mix.  Pour into container.  Done!

Yes, it’s that simple.  Now, hurry up before James and Thomas sneak off with it!

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