The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows As Logged by Agent West Does Agent West turn his mom into a complete nutcase? Find out in: Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows
Meet Bugsy. Aptly named because she bugs me. And she’s in heat… Because we are planning on a lot of projects for the coming spring and summer, we decided not to breed all of our goats. That, unfortunately, means that we are […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post Diabolical New Year’s Resolutions As Logged by Agent Rose What does Agent Rose do to Mommy’s tea? Find out in: Diabolical New Year’s Resolutions
That sneaky chicken! Of course, she isn’t the only one.
When I started teaching my daughter basic cooking skills, I asked her what she wanted to try first. “Cake!” This recipe is perfect for a first time cake session or if you’re just wanting something you can whip up quickly. It’s easy, […]
Well, it snowed! That is supposed to be our road. Overall, we got close to sixteen inches. 16! The question, then, becomes: What is the best way to bring hay to the animals? My husband has his method that works in deep […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post Diabolically Snowed In As Logged by Agent Chase Will sledding cure Agent Chase’s pouting? Find out in: Diabolically Snowed In
The first time I get her to hold still long enough to take a picture, and this is the face she makes.
Attention, please! We’ve made a new website! We recently revamped the whole website system thingy. So, if you noticed the Farming and Laughing site down for a few days, that was why. There was a lot of confusion, a few crazy moments, […]