This sugar scrub feels amazing, especially when dealing with the wintry scales of dry skin craziness. Even my husband loves to use it! Depending on the type of sugar you use (superfine/caster, regular granulated, turbinado, etc.), this can be a […]
Attention, please! We’ve made a new website! We recently revamped the whole website system thingy. So, if you noticed the Farming and Laughing site down for a few days, that was why. There was a lot of confusion, a few crazy moments, […]
May your day be filled with love May laughter ring through the halls May you rejoice in the celebration of life May your coming days give so much more! Merry Christmas!
Entertrainment Junction I’ve already written about Entertrainment once before, but my family had the joy of experiencing their Christmas celebration and I wanted to share it. They have a complete winter wonderland set up with Mrs. Claus and Santa, though he will […]
What better way to celebrate the season than having friends and family over and letting the kids (and even some adults) go wild building their own gingerbread house! We bought a five house kit with pre-cut pieces that we separated onto […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: Diabolical Sibling Rivalry and a Deer Leg As Logged By Agent Chase’s Mom The holidays are an interesting time Where families get together and enjoy key lime. It’s also a […]
There really is something magnificent about dusk once the cold weather begins to set in. The colors are crisper. There’s almost a silvery sheen blanketing the sky. Even when only a slit, the moon pops out with a brighter light.
On this glorious, drizzly day We give thanks to our Lord He gives us everything we need And is listening with love and open ears. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Extra pie for the chickens! But, remember what they say about […]
Today I have the joy of announcing that two short stories I wrote have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tales of Christmas! It is available now through Amazon, Bookshop, and Barnes & Noble. The first story of mine […]
Meet Walnut. She’s our shy girl, but so beautiful.