Who doesn’t like hot fudge sauce?! Seriously, it’s perfect on ice cream, on cake, on brownies, on fruit, on fingers… Wait, ignore that last one. This recipe is an old fashioned version that my mom taught me. It uses an unusual […]
I talked about deep bedding very briefly in an earlier post, Temporary Barn Idea. For this post, I’m going to go into more detail about it. Deep bedding is, simply put, the continual addition of new bedding on top of old, soiled […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post A Curious Turkey and Mashed Potatoes As Logged by Agent Chase Does Agent Chase trick his mom with mashed potatoes? Find out in: A Curious Turkey and Mashed Potatoes […]
Winter has finally come! Now, it seems to want to stay. The only caveat is the maple syruping We’ll be doing any day. The cold days are getting long I’m becoming slap happy with this song. Here’s Dino to put it […]
This sugar scrub feels amazing, especially when dealing with the wintry scales of dry skin craziness. Even my husband loves to use it! Depending on the type of sugar you use (superfine/caster, regular granulated, turbinado, etc.), this can be a […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows As Logged by Agent West Does Agent West turn his mom into a complete nutcase? Find out in: Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows
Meet Bugsy. Aptly named because she bugs me. And she’s in heat… Because we are planning on a lot of projects for the coming spring and summer, we decided not to breed all of our goats. That, unfortunately, means that we are […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post Diabolical New Year’s Resolutions As Logged by Agent Rose What does Agent Rose do to Mommy’s tea? Find out in: Diabolical New Year’s Resolutions
That sneaky chicken! Of course, she isn’t the only one.
When I started teaching my daughter basic cooking skills, I asked her what she wanted to try first. “Cake!” This recipe is perfect for a first time cake session or if you’re just wanting something you can whip up quickly. It’s easy, […]