I love It’s a Southern Thing on Youtube and this video of theirs had me laughing when I first saw it. So, considering that most of the schools around here closed for the day because of illness, this seems quite appropriate. Enjoy!
This is the video that inspired her And this is the result Not bad for a five-year-old!
Winter has finally come! Now, it seems to want to stay. The only caveat is the maple syruping We’ll be doing any day. The cold days are getting long I’m becoming slap happy with this song. Here’s Dino to put it […]
That sneaky chicken! Of course, she isn’t the only one.
The first time I get her to hold still long enough to take a picture, and this is the face she makes.
Of course, Caramel loves kisses more than she loves treats. What do you expect from such a cutie? Still, what is it with cows always wanting kisses?
I am the king of the chair! Roar
When you want to capture the beauty of it snowing outside, but you’re, also, pregnant and hungry. (You’ll need to turn the volume up for this one)
Could you imagine walking into the room and finding your cat like this?! I screamed loud enough to wake the dead, re-kill them, and then wake them up again. Luckily, all was fine when I double checked that she was, […]