When you want to capture the beauty of it snowing outside, but you’re, also, pregnant and hungry. (You’ll need to turn the volume up for this one)
On this glorious, drizzly day We give thanks to our Lord He gives us everything we need And is listening with love and open ears. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Extra pie for the chickens! But, remember what they say about […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: A Diabolical Turkey Lurking As Logged By Agent Chase I hear Gobbles gobbling close by. He’s sneaking closer to the pie. Will he try to eat it? […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: The Marshmallow Grandma Strikes Back As Logged By Agent West The Sheriff and three babies succeeded! They saved Grandma and the bunnies were defeated. But Grandma knew the bunnies would […]
Could you imagine walking into the room and finding your cat like this?! I screamed loud enough to wake the dead, re-kill them, and then wake them up again. Luckily, all was fine when I double checked that she was, […]
Today I have the joy of announcing that two short stories I wrote have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tales of Christmas! It is available now through Amazon, Bookshop, and Barnes & Noble. The first story of mine […]
Our black and white, blue-eyed buck. His full name is Harry Potter because, you guessed it, he has a white mark on his forehead that resembles a lightning bolt. He’s given us some pretty amazing babies!
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: A Diabolical Chicken Soup for the Soul Announcement As Logged By Agent Rose Mommy’s getting quite excited. Her writing bug has been ignited. Now she has two stories to share. […]
Here’s the buildup: And she throws!
That is a frog climbing up my kitchen window… And it isn’t the first one. Fun fact of living on a farm: You WILL have animals of all kinds visit, climb, burrow, and chill-ax in and around your house. We’ve seen […]