Tacos are my go to for the busy night where I don’t have a lot of time to sweat over the stove… Strike that, sweating while standing over top of the stove, where you’re cooking your family’s meal, sounds super gross. […]
Where, oh where, can she be? Can you see her? How about a closer look? Meet Bully, so named because of how she likes to pick on any chicken who comes in her way of a delicious snack. Two years ago we […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: Night of the diabolical snores As logged by Agent Rose A rumble growls from down the hall Making me shake and feel quite small Where’s my stink bear to […]
Step 1 Run around the house demanding to know who has seen your phone. Step 2 Look down and see phone in your hand. Happy Friday!
The delicious Pawpaw A yummy fruit native to eastern North America The first time my husband saw a pawpaw lying on the ground in our woods, he cupped it in his hands like it was a magical diamond and brought it to […]
The Mission Log of the Diabolical Baby Brigade has a new post: A toot in the face As logged by Agent Chase Nothing could ever compare To something so simple, but not rare. A toot in the face will leave Mommy crying […]
For those who remember the anti-drug commercials: This is your horse This is your horse on alfalfa
Not the roses! The Japanese Beetle: A species of the scarab beetle, Eater of over 300 types of plants including roses. There are a million and one ways to try to deter or get rid of these pesky bugs, but this […]
I stand before You A completely vulnerable soul Gazing at shades of fire Nestled in the sky. In one blink it is blinding In the next, it is gone. A heartfelt memory Of Your breathtaking wonder And a tiny glimpse of […]